Tutor Database for Coordinators
Reach 100,000 tutors.

Want to be a tuition coordinator or a tuition agent?

10 reasons

Why should you subscribe to ManyTutors Tuition Coordinator database?

Make $10 000 Per Month

  1. Home Based Tuition Matching
  2. Earn up to $10 000 per month full-time and $2000 part-time as a tuition agent. (Don't believe? Refer to interview of entrepreneur of the year nominee.)
  3. We know it can be done because Manytutors.com is a tuition agency too!

Easiest To Find Tutors (45,000 Tutors):

  1. Make sure you know what you are getting. Look at how many tutors visit ManyTutors. (Traffic Stats by Similar Web)
  2. Our database has more than 45,000 available tutors from all over Singapore
  3. Our database is cost-effective (only $85 a month!). You just have to match 1 assignment a month to cover the cost of the database. The rest of the commision goes to your own pocket!
  4. The database is user friendly and the profiles include detailed information about the tutors. They may upload their pictures and results slips.
  5. Free sample of the database by signing in as Guest*. (No contact information and additional details given for trial version)
  6. Tutor blacklist feature. Read about how you can blacklist tutors here.

MT.Bot - Our Chatbot Saves You Time:

  1. Our chatbot automatically messages tutors on Facebook MT.Bot on Facebook whenever you post jobs on our fourm.
  2. MT.Bot is smart and is powered by IBM Watson. You can read more about the tech here.
  3. Tuition agents are able to cut down 50% of your time because MT.Bot will automatically help you screen tutors.
  4. Simply log into the database to see if tutors applied to your forum job postings.

Active Tutors:

  1. 200 new tutors every week. You will always have new tutors to choose from.
  2. See reviews of tutors from other coordinators, post reviews about your good and bad experiences with our tutors.
  3. Flag tutors who are no longer teaching so that you no longer have to waste time calling in the future.
  4. Our tutors are able to update or delete their profiles real time so all tutors are currently looking for assignments. This is something unique to our database.

Music Tutors:

  1. Want to look for piano tutors? What about violin for guitar tutors? You can access them all when you subscribe to our database.
  2. We have close to 5000 music teachers all around Singapore.

Tution Assignment Jobs Forum:

  1. Save time by not contacting the tutors. Post your assignments in the ManyTutors Tuition Assignment Jobs Forum and the tutors will contact you instead.
  2. Check it out, there are 1500 to 3000 job postings monthly.

Automatic Emails to Nearby Tutors:

  1. Emails will be sent out to tutors staying within 3km of the assignment.
  2. Everything is automatic, our system will pick out assignments you post in the forum for sending.
  3. Responses will be coagulated inside your account.
  4. Blog post: How to send job invitation emails to tutors?

#1 Ranking in Google

  1. If you type "tuition", "singapore tuition", "tuition in singapore" in google, you will see what we are #1.
  2. This means that tutors will be able to find your jobs easily.

Facebook Link Up:

  1. All tuition assignments you post on the Assignment will be automatically posted on the ManyTutors.com Fabebook Fan page!
  2. The ManyTutors Facebook link allows you to efficiently reach out to potential tutors.
  3. Your assignments will appear on the Wall of all our Fans on Facebook.
  4. Available online so you may access them anywhere.

Free starter kit:

  1. Spend one day at home to learn tuition coordinating.
  2. Use our easy starter kit to start off tuition coordinating at home.

Interested to find out more?:

  • Package above is charged at only $85 / month. Subscribers are required to sign up for 3 months at a time.
  • Email: enquiry@manytutors.com
(If you prefer Bank Transfer, please make a payment of $255 to our DBS Current Account at 027-902988-9 and email us.)