Tutor Database for Coordinators
Reach 100,000 tutors.
Want to be a tuition coordinator or a tuition agent?
10 reasons
Why should you subscribe to ManyTutors Tuition Coordinator database?
Make $10 000 Per Month
- Home Based Tuition Matching
- Earn up to $10 000 per month full-time and $2000 part-time as a tuition agent. (Don't believe? Refer to interview of entrepreneur of the year nominee.)
- We know it can be done because Manytutors.com is a tuition agency too!
Easiest To Find Tutors (45,000 Tutors):
- Make sure you know what you are getting. Look at how many tutors visit ManyTutors. (Traffic Stats by Similar Web)
- Our database has more than 45,000 available tutors from all over Singapore
- Our database is cost-effective (only $85 a month!). You just have to match 1 assignment a month to cover the cost of the database. The rest of the commision goes to your own pocket!
- The database is user friendly and the profiles include detailed information about the tutors. They may upload their pictures and results slips.
- Free sample of the database by signing in as Guest*. (No contact information and additional details given for trial version)
- Tutor blacklist feature. Read about how you can blacklist tutors here.
MT.Bot - Our Chatbot Saves You Time:
- Our chatbot automatically messages tutors on Facebook MT.Bot on Facebook whenever you post jobs on our fourm.
- MT.Bot is smart and is powered by IBM Watson. You can read more about the tech here.
- Tuition agents are able to cut down 50% of your time because MT.Bot will automatically help you screen tutors.
- Simply log into the database to see if tutors applied to your forum job postings.
Active Tutors:
- 200 new tutors every week. You will always have new tutors to choose from.
- See reviews of tutors from other coordinators, post reviews about your good and bad experiences with our tutors.
- Flag tutors who are no longer teaching so that you no longer have to waste time calling in the future.
- Our tutors are able to update or delete their profiles real time so all tutors are currently looking for assignments. This is something unique to our database.
Music Tutors:
- Want to look for piano tutors? What about violin for guitar tutors? You can access them all when you subscribe to our database.
- We have close to 5000 music teachers all around Singapore.
Tution Assignment Jobs Forum:
- Save time by not contacting the tutors. Post your assignments in the ManyTutors Tuition Assignment Jobs Forum and the tutors will contact you instead.
- Check it out, there are 1500 to 3000 job postings monthly.
Automatic Emails to Nearby Tutors:
- Emails will be sent out to tutors staying within 3km of the assignment.
- Everything is automatic, our system will pick out assignments you post in the forum for sending.
- Responses will be coagulated inside your account.
- Blog post: How to send job invitation emails to tutors?
#1 Ranking in Google
- If you type "tuition", "singapore tuition", "tuition in singapore" in google, you will see what we are #1.
- This means that tutors will be able to find your jobs easily.
Facebook Link Up:
- All tuition assignments you post on the Assignment will be automatically posted on the ManyTutors.com Fabebook Fan page!
- The ManyTutors Facebook link allows you to efficiently reach out to potential tutors.
- Your assignments will appear on the Wall of all our Fans on Facebook.
- Available online so you may access them anywhere.
Free starter kit:
- Spend one day at home to learn tuition coordinating.
- Use our easy starter kit to start off tuition coordinating at home.
Interested to find out more?:
- Package above is charged at only $85 / month. Subscribers are required to sign up for 3 months at a time.
- Email: enquiry@manytutors.com