List Tuition Centre
Get Student Signups
List your tuition centre on ManyTutors and reach thousands of students. Increase your revenue, Google search rankings and brand exposure.
200+ tuition centres in Singapore have accounts. Don't miss out.
3 Steps to Get Bookings

Open an account

Create your tuition center and list your classes

Student contact you directly!
Open 24/7
Free Hosting
We host your tuition center online. Students will be able to apply to your classes at any time.
Inspire Trust
Students will be able leave testimonials on your tution center.
No Talk = No Fees
Commission Fees
No fees if students sign up for your tuition classes online without talking to our sales team; otherwise 50% of 1st month applies.
Free Traffic
Maximum Exposure
With more then 500,000 page views a month. Get the maximum exposure for your tuition center.
Free Linking
Link to your tuition center's website from ManyTutors to boost your own rankings.
Multiple Locations
Add in all your branch locations so that students that stay in Singapore will be able to find your centres easily.
Upgrade Account
Feature your classes, improve branding, rankings & SEO. Get more student bookings today!
Everything Under Business Plan
We Help You Advertise Your Class Listings
Special Growth Hacking Team
Design & Test Ad Campaigns
Powerful Targeting
ROI Focused
Conversion Tracking
$180 Facebook Ad Credits Per Month Included
billed $365 a month
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