Private Tution Fees (Estimate)

Our private tutor matching service is free and students only need to pay monthly tuition charges. The 360 Tutoring Program will be extended to qualifying students at no extra charge when requested.

We will send you an invoice after the first lesson and students will be required to make the payment before the end of 4 weeks. This is to ensure that our tutors get their payment on time. Any tuition fees paid in advance will be prorated if lessons are not conducted.

We accept credit cards, VISA, Mastercard or bank transfer.

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360 Tutoring Program

ManyTutors recommended price list for 2025

Per Hour Rates
Level A-Level /
Diploma Tutor
Undergrad Tutor Graduate Tutor MOE Teacher
Lower Pri $15-$20 $18-$30 $20-$35 $45-$55
Upper Pri (PSLE) $18-$25 $20-$35 $22-$38 $45-$55
Lower Sec $20-$30 $25-$35 $30-$45 $45-$60
Upper Sec $25-$$35 $25-$40 $30-$50 $50-$80
JC $30-$35 $30-$50 $40-$60 $70-$100
Music fr $30
*Prices may not adhere to the table above in all cases.