IDY Academy


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About Tuition Centre

IDY Academy was founded in 1992 and registered with MOE as a private school in 1995. In 2004, we were awarded the CaseTrust accreditation. On 18 August 2010, we were successfully registered with the CPE (10 February 2012-09 Feb 2016) as a private education in...

Reviews for Idy Academy

Ex Employee
by Guest 3 years ago

A centre with no ethics in learnings and respect for internal stakeholders. All they care monetary benefits! Dig into their profile and you will learn, I am not speaking alone. Many ex-employees from all departments shared the same sentiments.

Ex Employee
by Guest 10 months ago

Oh....fought with them over salary. They are well known for not paying salary to staff! Went to MOM...won the case of course. Heard many more cases later on....lucky thing, the school is closed/gone for good! Idy are the worst living being on earth!