Oxley Education Centre


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Reviews for Oxley Education Centre

Ex student
by Guest 2 years ago

Introduced by my friend cos he attends maths there ans I live nearby. So I sign up for science but after 1 semester. Lousy place. The science tutor just print a bunch of papers ask me to do and come back the last 5 mins to go through. I might as well buy the book myself and do. The toilet is creepy and smelly.

Ex student
by Guest 2 years ago

My friend say that tutor smokes at the same block at the stairwell of level 3-4 and can see all the cigarette butts there LMAO waste of my time and money so glad I quit this place and it's quite costly esp given that it's no use also esp when tutor also starts late and keep on changing timing. My mom heard from friend says some tutors there are quite unprofessional but others still ok if u can steer clear then good for u but most r bad also

Former student
by Guest 6 months ago

Was recommended by my cousin who previously had tuition there. But when I signed up, the tutor whom taught my cousin had already left the place.

The quality of the current teachers there are bad. I left the center after just a few months with no improvement. Total waste of time.

by Guest 2 years ago

The owner of the centre, Freddy Tay is always smoking outside the centre or running errands instead of teaching his classes. His daughter is equally under-qualified. She spends her time doing online shopping and using her phone instead of actual teaching. Homework was never marked. I don't see how this place can continue to run.

by Guest 11 months ago

Quality of teaching is rather poor which explains why all their branches closed down. Place is filthy ,run-down and infested with cockroaches. The owner and his family memebers are the only employees and underqualified. Worksheets received are photocopied from assessment books with the centre's logos printed on it. For the few worksheets that they make, it's full of grammatical errors and mistakes. You can do better by joining other centres. The fees are so high you might as well go for private tuition.

by Guest 7 months ago

All the good teachers which tutored my 2 kids have left the centre after being forced out by management
Quality of notes are poor. Incidentally, some of the questions in the science notes were photocopied from assessment books. Only realised it as I bought the same assessment books for my kids.