Twig Learning Center

Twig Learning Center

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Reviews for Twig Learning Center

by Guest 7 years ago

I used to be very confused about many Chemistry concepts before I attended Mr Koh's class. However, after I started attending, I found that Mr Koh was extremely willing to teach (even before and after classes), and dedicated to his work (I could tell just looking at the immense number of useful resources that he provided). He was also one of those teachers who managed to explain concepts in a clear and understandable manner. Many of my doubts for Chemistry were cleared as I consulted him and attended his lessons, and I eventually got an A for the A Levels!
Not an advertising gimmick. I'm here reviewing because I am genuinely grateful and impressed :)

Ex- student
by Guest 7 years ago

Mr Koh is a good teacher. Without his help, I would not have been able to get an A for Chem
1. He shows concern for our learning. If we have doubts, we can stay back after class to ask him. We can also have free consultations with him outside class to ask him any questions. He also gives free refreshments so we can stay attentive through the lessons. (esp if we had come for tuition straight after school)
2. He teaches well. Mr Koh conducts his lessons in a way that is well structured and easy to understand, especially topics on acid-base equilibrium and organic chem. The practices given are exam -oriented.
3. His notes (in booklets) are the best in my opinion. As compared to lengthy lecture notes from school, the booklets are well condensed and structured. E.g. His organic chem booklet presents clearly,in a mindmap form, the relationships of one chapter to another.
All the best Mr Koh and god bless.