Take ‘A’ Way Thinkers Studios(TAWTS) - under the aegis of HES

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About Tuition Centre

Welcome to TAWTS!


Our Story:

We recognize the potential in each one of our students. With a customizable approach, we have seen our clients’ results consistently rise. Since 2015, our results are a testament that our system works. We are a patient, adaptable, and professional group of coaches ready to help our Thinkers reach their goals.

What We Offer:

Results That Last!

Teaching isn’t just ingraining information into students’ minds to memorize — it’s about providing them with the tools they need in order to think critically and succeed. We believe that successful coaching changes habits, and ultimately improves quality of life. Since 2015, we have provided students with group and private lessons at our studios at Tampines & Pasir ris as well as home tuition islandwide. We have helped them to maximise their potential! :)

Get in touch today so we can start working together :)

Class Schedule (Click to see details)

Reviews for Take ‘a’ Way Thinkers Studios(tawts) - Under The Aegis Of Hes

by Guest 3 years ago

We are grateful for the wonderful assistance, understanding and support that TAWTS tuition centre has provided him throughout these years.

It is more than just a tuition centre but a centre that has builds my son's confidence and motivates him to do better.

His stint with the centre establishes relationship of brotherhood fosters amongst him and his tutors/friends.

With deep sincerity, we appreciate all the goodwill of ur tutors and ur centre for being supportative, accomodative and reliable in trying to provide him the best beyond ur call.

The tutors are really passionate and qualified. My son's results improved since he joined TAWTS. Their prices are currently the lowest I know of.

by Guest 3 years ago

It has only been 6 months since I’ve been to TAWTS, but since then I have seen improvement in myself; not only in exams but in general understanding too.

I just want to say thank you for teaching me - TAWTS tutor are the most effective tutor I’ve ever had by far.

Not only that, TAWTS tutor have taught me to prepare myself for the future.

I really can’t thank you enough.

by Guest 3 years ago

Thank you so much.
I notice my two girls can click with the teacher very well.
Previous tuition centre they don't like. Quite a headache for me.
Hopefully they can continue with your side till secondary school.

by Guest 3 years ago

Thank you very much.

She managed to get A2 for this term WA.
A major improvement from last year C6.

This boost her confidence.
Thank you once again.

by Guest 3 years ago

Praise be to God.
I passed my O-level and I am eligible to go to polytechnic.

My English has improved from F9 to C6.